Solar Inverter Guide

‘The Circle of Trust’

With our decades of experience, we have worked with a number of inverter manufacturers. Below are our ‘inner circle’, the inverter manufacturers we TRUST and we would be comfortable putting any of these inverters on our own houses and businesses. Some of them are more expensive than others, but we would be happy to recommend any of these inverters from within the ‘circle of trust’ for your own installation. 

Please click on any manufacturer’s logo to be taken to a page with more specific details on that manufacturer.

Fronius Solar Inverter
SAJ Solar Inverter
Sofar Solar Inverter
SMA Solar Inverter
Enphase Solar Inverter
Sungrow Solar Inverter
SolarEdge Solar Inverter
Huawei Solar Inverter
Goodwe Solar Inverter
Find out which solar inverters your local, quality suppliers are using today.

Choosing the Right Inverter for Your Solar Needs

Selecting the correct inverter is a crucial decision in any solar energy system. In Australia, where solar power is thriving, it becomes even more vital to understand the different types of inverters available in the market and their suitability for specific needs. Let’s delve into the various types, benefits, and considerations associated with each:

1. String Inverters

String inverters are the most commonly used inverters in Australian residential and commercial installations. They work by converting the output of multiple solar panels (connected in a series or “string”) into usable electricity. Key benefits of string inverters include:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: String inverters are typically the most affordable option, making them ideal for those on a tight budget.
  • Modularity: These inverters allow for easy installation and scalability, enabling the addition of more solar panels in the future.
  • Compatibility: String inverters are compatible with most solar panels, making them widely accessible.

However, there are some cons to consider:

  • Performance Dependency: The overall performance of the entire system is dependent on the weakest panel in the string. If one panel is partially shaded or malfunctioning, it can impact the output of the entire string.
  • Limited Monitoring: String inverters often have limited monitoring capabilities, making it challenging to detect and troubleshoot individual panel issues.

2. Microinverters

Microinverters are another popular choice in Australia, particularly in situations where shading or panel-level monitoring is essential. Unlike string inverters, microinverters are installed on each solar panel, converting direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) at the panel level. Here’s what you need to know about microinverters:

  • Panel-Level Performance: With microinverters, the performance of each panel is independent of others, as they function individually. This eliminates the issue of reduced output due to shading or panel issues.
  • Enhanced Monitoring: Microinverters offer advanced monitoring capabilities, enabling real-time tracking of each panel’s performance. This feature simplifies troubleshooting and maintenance.

Keep in mind the following drawbacks of microinverters:

  • Higher Cost: Microinverters are relatively more expensive than string inverters due to the need for multiple units.
  • Installation Complexity: Since each panel requires a dedicated microinverter, the installation process may be more complex and time-consuming.

3 . Hybrid Inverters

Hybrid inverters, also known as multi-mode inverters, are devices that can convert direct current (DC) electricity from solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity for use in residential or commercial buildings. In addition to this basic functionality, hybrid inverters also have the ability to charge and discharge batteries, making them an essential component of hybrid solar power systems. Here are some key points to consider when it comes to hybrid inverters:

  • Optimal utilisation of your solar energy, as excess electricity is stored in batteries for later use. This feature ensures that renewable energy is available even during cloudy or nighttime conditions.
  • Provided you add a battery at the same time as installing a hybrid, you can oversize your system to a greater capacity than a string inverter solution. For instance, most 5kw string systems will have 6.6 kW of panels, whereas a 5 KW hybrid inverter can add up to 11.4 kW of panels, provided you add a battery.
  • Maximising energy savings by prioritising self-consumption, by monitoring draw from the grid and ensuring that this is met by the solar panels, or via the connected battery, prior to drawing power from the grid at a cost to the consumer, reducing your dependency on the grid.
  • During a grid disconnection, ie power outages, a hybrid inverter can provide backup power when connected to a battery storage system. They can automatically switch to battery power, ensuring critical appliances and systems remain operational even when the grid goes down. This feature provides peace of mind and enhances energy resilience.
  • Hybrid inverters often come equipped with advanced energy management systems that allow users to monitor and optimize their energy consumption. With the help of integrated smart meters and user-friendly interfaces, individuals can easily track their energy usage patterns, make informed energy-saving decisions, and even participate in demand-response programs.
  • Hybrid inverters offer scalability, allowing users to add more solar panels or batteries to their system as their energy needs grow. This scalability ensures that the system can adapt to changing energy requirements, making it a future-proof investment.
  • While hybrid inverters may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional inverters, they provide long-term cost benefits. By maximizing self-consumption and reducing reliance on the grid, users can significantly reduce their electricity bills over time. Additionally, the ability to store excess solar energy for later use reduces the need for purchasing electricity

Keep in mind the following drawbacks of hybrid inverters:

  • Hybrids are more expensive than a string inverter.
  • If you don’t purchase a battery at the beginning, and return to buy a battery a number of years later, the battery at that time, may not be compatible with the older hybrid you have purchased. Battery technology is moving quickly.

To find out more about HYBRID INVERTERS, please go to our solar battery guide page.

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